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argParse determines how string args are converted to native Nim types. argHelp explains this interpretation to a command-line user. Define new overloads in-scope of dispatch to override these or support more types.


This module also defines argParse/argHelp pairs for seq[T] and such (set[T], HashSet[T], ..) with a full complement of operations: prepend (^=), subtract/delete (-=), as well as the usual append (+= or just =|nothing as is customary, e.g. cc -Ipath1 -Ipath2).

string is treated more as a scalar variable by cligen in that an unqualified [:=<SPACE>] does an overwriting/clobbering assignment rather than adding to the end of the string, but += effects the append if desired. E.g., --foo="" overwrites the value to be an empty string, --foo+="" leaves it unaltered, and --foo^=new prepends "new".

This module also supports a ,-prefixed family of enhanced Delimiter- Prefixed Separated Value operators that allow passing multiple slots to the above operators. DPSV is like typical regex substitution syntax, e.g., /old/new or %search%replace where the first char indicates the delimiter for the rest. Delimiting is strict. (E.g., --foo,^=/old/new/ prepends 3 items @["old", "new", ""] to some foo: seq[string]). Available only in the ,-family is also ,@ as in ,@=<D>V1<D>V2... which does a clobbering assignment of @["V1", "V2", ...]. No delimiter (i.e. "--foo,@=") clips any aggregate to its empty version, e.g. @[].

See more examples and comments in cligen/syntaxHelp.nim


ArgcvtParams = object
  key*: string               ## key actually used for this option
  val*: string               ## value actually given by user
  sep*: string               ## separator actually used (including before '=' text)
  parNm*: string             ## long option key/parameter name
  parRend*: string           ## long option key/parameter name rendered for help
  parSh*: string             ## short key for this option key
  parCount*: int             ## count of times this parameter has been invoked
  parReq*: int               ## flag indicating parameter is mandatory
  val4req*: string           ## how a required/mandatory default value is rendered
  help*: string              ## the whole help string, for parse errors
  msg*: string               ## Error message from a bad parse
  shortNoVal*: set[char]     ## short options keys where value may be omitted
  longNoVal*: seq[string]    ## long option keys where value may be omitted
Abstraction of non-param-type arguments to argParse and argHelp. Per-use data, then per-parameter data, then per-command/global data.
ClHelpContext = enum
  clLongOpt,                ## a long option identifier
  clSubCmd,                 ## a sub-command name identifier
  clEnumVal                  ## an enum value name identifier
ElementError = object of ValueError


proc argAggHelp(dfls: seq[string]; aggTyp: string; typ, dfl: var string) {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc argAggSplit[T](a: var ArgcvtParams; split = true): seq[T]
Split DPSV (e.g. ",hello,world") into a parsed seq[T].
proc argDf(a: ArgcvtParams; dv: string): string {.
    ...deprecated: "Deprecated since v0.9.24; No longer needed.", raises: [],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Deprecated: Deprecated since v0.9.24; No longer needed.
Deprecated since v0.9.24; No longer needed. Remove call.
proc argHelp(dfl: bool; a: var ArgcvtParams): seq[string] {.
    ...raises: [ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc argHelp(dfl: char; a: var ArgcvtParams): seq[string] {.
    ...raises: [ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc argHelp(dfl: cstring; a: var ArgcvtParams): seq[string] {.
    ...raises: [ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc argHelp(dfl: string; a: var ArgcvtParams): seq[string] {.
    ...raises: [ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc argHelp[T, U](dfl: HSlice[T, U]; a: var ArgcvtParams): seq[string]
proc argHelp[T: enum](dfl: T; a: var ArgcvtParams): seq[string]
proc argHelp[T: SomeNumber](dfl: T; a: var ArgcvtParams): seq[string]
proc argHelp[T](dfl: HashSet[T]; a: var ArgcvtParams): seq[string]
proc argHelp[T](dfl: seq[T]; a: var ArgcvtParams): seq[string]
proc argHelp[T](dfl: set[T]; a: var ArgcvtParams): seq[string]
proc argKeys(a: ArgcvtParams; argSep = "="): string {....raises: [ValueError],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
argKeys generates the option keys column in help tables
proc argParse(dst: var bool; dfl: bool; a: var ArgcvtParams): bool {.
    ...raises: [ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc argParse(dst: var char; dfl: char; a: var ArgcvtParams): bool {.
    ...raises: [ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc argParse(dst: var cstring; dfl: cstring; a: var ArgcvtParams): bool {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc argParse(dst: var string; dfl: string; a: var ArgcvtParams): bool {.
    ...raises: [ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
proc argParse[T, U](dst: var HSlice[T, U]; dfl: HSlice[T, U];
                    a: var ArgcvtParams): bool
Parse i (=== i..i) | a:b (exclusive) | a..b (inclusive) into HSlice. Interpretation is up to caller/slice user. Missing sides get 0.
proc argParse[T: enum](dst: var T; dfl: T; a: var ArgcvtParams): bool
proc argParse[T: SomeNumber](dst: var T; dfl: T; a: var ArgcvtParams): bool
proc argParse[T](dst: var HashSet[T]; dfl: HashSet[T]; a: var ArgcvtParams): bool
proc argParse[T](dst: var seq[T]; dfl: seq[T]; a: var ArgcvtParams): bool
proc argParse[T](dst: var set[T]; dfl: set[T]; a: var ArgcvtParams): bool
proc excl[T](dst: var set[T]; toExcl: openArray[T])
excl from an openArray; How can this NOT be in the stdlib?
proc getDescription[T](defVal: T; parNm: string; defaultHelp: string): string
proc helpCase(inp: string; context: ClHelpContext = clSubCmd): string {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
This is a string-to-string transformer hook to convert whatever the native Nim code identifier casing is into a string for presentation to CLI users. By default it converts snake_case to kebab-case.
proc incl[T](dst: var set[T]; toIncl: openArray[T])
incl from an openArray; How can this NOT be in the stdlib?
proc nimEscape(s: string; quote = '\"'): string {....raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
Until strutils gets a nimStringEscape that is not deprecated
proc plural(word: string): string {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Form English plural of word via all rules not needing a real dictionary.
proc unescape(s: string): string {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Handles 1-byte octal, [abtnvfre], and xDD hex escapes