This module provides an easy way to do compile-time switched impl swaps for various table/set reprs with various compile-time switched defaults. You should really just learn how to use LPTabz[..] directly, though.
lpRobinHood, initLPTabz, []=, init, save, items, load, depths, ==, setOrIncl, nthPair, TopKOrder, lpNumer, $, topByVal, mpairs, init, hasKeyOrPut, toLPTabz, -, [], numItems, incl, rightSize, intersection, incl, containsOrIncl, clear, indexBy, setLen, withIt, bits, lpGrowPow2, mostCommon, <=, {}=, getItOrFail, hasKey, mmap, card, lpInitialSize, allValues, loadLPTabz, add, pop, depthStats, *, allValues, keys, low, {}, LPSetz, nthPair, mvalues, pop, hash, pop, mitems, SeqUint, len, withValue, withValue, lpDenom, take, excl, LPSet, values, mgetOrPut, initLPSetz, lpRehash, disjoint, addr0, pairs, editOrInit, add, contains, take, nthKey, $, [], inc, map, setCap, excl, clear, initLPSet, ==, +, del, setPolicy, mgetOrPut, LPTabz, pop, $, pairs, toLPTabz, []=, missingOrExcl, symmetricDifference, <, items, editKey, allItems, lpWarn, lpMaxWarn, getOrDefault, -+-, union, len, allValues, merge, lpMinFree, pairs, hcodes, high, {}, add, [], getCap, difference, numItems, initSeqUint, initLPTab, LPTab, debugDump