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This module provides an easy way to do compile-time switched impl swaps for various table/set reprs with various compile-time switched defaults. You should really just learn how to use LPTabz[..] directly, though.


Set[K] = LPTabz[K, void, void, 0]
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Tab[K; V] = LPTabz[K, V, void, 0]
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proc initSet[K](sz = lpInitialSize; numer = lpNumer; denom = lpDenom;
                minFree = lpMinFree; growPow2 = lpGrowPow2; rehash = rDefault;
                robinHood = rhDefault): Set[K] {.inline.}
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proc initTab[K, V](sz = lpInitialSize; numer = lpNumer; denom = lpDenom;
                   minFree = lpMinFree; growPow2 = lpGrowPow2;
                   rehash = rDefault; robinHood = rhDefault): Tab[K, V] {.inline.}
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proc rightSz(x: Natural): int {.inline, ...deprecated: "Only identity now",
                                raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Deprecated: Only identity now
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proc toSet[K](keys: openArray[K]; dups = false): Set[K]
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proc toTab[K, V](pairs: openArray[(K, V)]; dups = false): Tab[K, V]
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